after your payment we will contact you for an installation session which takes 30-60 minutes
How can I install the RingCentral Freshworks CRM CTI application?
When you purchase the app we will schedule a call and help you install and implement the app into your Freshworks CRM environment. It will take around 30-60 minutes.
Are all features of Freshworks CRM available?
Yes, all the features of the Freshworks CRM application are available.
Are all the features of RingCentral available?
All the features of the RingCentral Embeddable are available. Hereby an overview of these features:
I would like to have more/different features in the application. Is that possible?
Yes, this is possible. We develop tailor made solutions for this application for your company.
Will a recording link of the conversation automatically be attached in Freshworks CRM?
Contact us at to discuss possibilities to add this to the app.
“Wow”, after seeing our demo of a Freshdesk CTI
Great quality and great people!
“I am happy to mention that the phones are working perfect!”