Zeeman is a Dutch retail chain that acquired 160 textile supermarkets from Brons in 1980 and has nearly 1,300 stores in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Austria and Spain

For their customer service Zeeman uses Freshdesk to handle their tickets. As all the data of customer, like the order history, status of orders and contactdetails, are gathered at one place, the best way to help the customer as quickly and accurate as possible is to have that data immediately to you availability.

Zeeman gets over hundreds of phone calls a day by their customers checking for their order status, refunds or other questions. The telephony system Zeeman uses is Cisco. Zeeman asked Loyally if we could integrate their telephony system into Freshdesk to create a more smoothly workflow for their helpdesk.

As a result we developed a CTI app for Zeeman that integrates Cisco in their Freshdesk environment. All the fields were custom developed to the needs of Zeeman, so the workflow of handling customer contact would be precisely to the needs of Zeeman.

The integration not only provides Zeeman with better and faster communication with the customer it also saves 30 seconds per call